Our Policies
Our Policies
Developing and changing with innovative approaches, Sanovel Pharmaceuticals aims to maintain continuity in its moral values and attitudes with its employees by not compromising its quality policy in every work it does. In accordance with our founding purpose, we are committed to
Sanovel's quality culture is founded on the concept of "Right the First Time". Every staff member adopts the principles of patient safety and provides excellence in our operations.
Sanovel quality culture starts with product research and development. It encompasses all processes from production to our distribution networks, and is a continuous improvement process.based on

Data Integrity and Security
At Sanovel Pharmaceuticals, data integrity requirements apply equally to paper and electronic data. This approach encourages open reporting against possible errors. The data necessary for the creation of an effective working environment is transferred to all Sanovel Pharmaceuticals personnel and service providers.
In line with 21 CFR Part 11 and Eudralex Vol.4 Annex-11 guidelines, all laboratory devices are selected to create and protect data as "accurate, original, simultaneous, readable, characterizable" and configured according to current expectations. Systems are periodically reviewed and modernization and corrective/preventive action requirements are evaluated.
Thanks to the "Scientific Data Management System (SDMS)" used in the laboratory, the scientific data produced are electronically checked and approved, merged into a common database and stored in a secure environment that allows for retrospective research. SDMS is designed to improve data flow, enhance decision-making capabilities, shorten time-to-market for products, keep up to date with current regulations
is a solution used to ensure compliance and increase the value of vital scientific data at Sanovel Pharmaceuticals.
In line with 21 CFR Part 11 and Eudralex Vol.4 Annex-11 guidelines, all laboratory devices are selected to create and protect data as "accurate, original, simultaneous, readable, characterizable" and configured according to current expectations. Systems are periodically reviewed and modernization and corrective/preventive action requirements are evaluated.
Thanks to the "Scientific Data Management System (SDMS)" used in the laboratory, the scientific data produced are electronically checked and approved, merged into a common database and stored in a secure environment that allows for retrospective research. SDMS is designed to improve data flow, enhance decision-making capabilities, shorten time-to-market for products, keep up to date with current regulations
is a solution used to ensure compliance and increase the value of vital scientific data at Sanovel Pharmaceuticals.
Our Policies
Our firm is a manufacturer of products that help support a healthy life and thereby promises to:
Establish a Quality Management System in accordance with national + international standards and cGMP regulations
Manufacture products that are effective, safe, and of the desired quality
Manage our resources in the most effective and productive manner
Continuously review the level of quality based on customer requirements and satisfaction, with the participation of all employees
Comply with the stipulations of the quality management system and continuously improve efficiency
Energy Policy
The scope of this policy includes all buildings and facilities located in Silivri location where Sanovel İlaç ve Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş. operates. Sanovel İlaç ve Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş. aims to continuously improve its energy performance, to comply with legal and other requirements, to ensure the participation of all parties with which it is in contact to this policy, to transform the Energy Management System awareness into a corporate culture with the trainings to be given at all levels, and to remain environmentally and economically sustainable during all its activities and services in Silivri location with the awareness of carrying the responsibility of Energy Management System. In order to realize this goal, Sanovel İlaç ve Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş;
With the full participation and support of our employees, to use existing energy resources in the most efficient way without sacrificing comfort and operations, and to set, maintain and allocate the necessary resources to continuously improve their energy performance in line with the "Sustainable Development" approach,
To increase energy efficiency by researching, implementing and maintaining methods to reduce the carbon footprint of our products,
Continuously review and improve the Energy Management System,
To utilize all kinds of information and resources to increase energy efficiency and make it sustainable, to follow new technologies and to research alternative energy sources,
Prioritize energy efficiency in future planned investments and activities,
To organize the necessary training programs on improving energy awareness throughout the organization, to provide all kinds of information, documents and resources necessary for these activities and to play an active role,
Comply with national and international legislation and laws, regulations, mandatory standards and other requirements,
Communicate effectively with customers, authorities, stakeholders and subcontractors on Energy Management related issues to achieve shared value and beneficial outcomes,
We are committed to supporting energy efficient choices to improve energy performance in the design and procurement of energy, products, equipment and services.
Health, Safety and Environment Policy
Kaliteyi bir yaşam tarzı haline getirmiş, çevreye saygı bilinci ile faaliyetlerini sürdüren, değişime açık, güvenilir, müşteri memnuniyetini ve tıbbi etiği ön planda tutan, insan sağlığına katkıda bulunmayı temel amaç edinen tüm Sanovel İlaç San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. fabrika çalışanları;
Regularly assessing all potential health and safety risks in the workplace and taking the necessary precautions,
Complying with all local and international legal regulations regardingoccupational health and safety, continuously monitoring legal developmentsand updates, and implementing required measures,
Using natural resources and all forms of energy efficiently and economically,controlling and minimizing waste (solid, liquid, gas) and noise pollution at thesource, ensuring recycling, and mitigating negative impacts on theenvironment and human health using the most appropriate technologies andmethods,
Organizing awareness-raising activities on health, safety, and environmentalprotection to enhance the sense of responsibility for occupational health,safety, and the environment among all employees, starting with topmanagement, as well as customers and contractors,
Continuously improving environmental protection, occupational health, andsafety performance by collaborating with, listening to, and addressing theneeds of our customers, employees, and suppliers,
Investigating the root causes of incidents and accidents to prevent theirrecurrence, implementing all necessary corrective actions, and ensuring thesustainability of these improvements,
Considering environmental, occupational health, and safety risks whileplanning our operations and new investments,
Implementing Energy and Environmental Management Systems to reducenatural resource consumption and actively combat climate change,
Complying with the relevant laws, regulations, and standards required by theMinistry of Health of the Republic of Türkiye, GMP (Good ManufacturingPractices), and other applicable national laws, parliamentary-approvedinternational regulations, and related legal obligations in the pharmaceuticalmanufacturing sector.
Compliance with Environmental, Health, and Safety policies is the responsibility of allour employees. Managers are obligated to take the necessary steps to monitor andimprove the effectiveness of implementation.
We declare that our activities related to this policy are open to public scrutiny.
We declare that our activities related to this policy are open to public scrutiny.